Wednesday, 3 November 2010

November already

So another month has passed. Better get blogging then.

Been a busy month...

Apart from leading at King's -Norwich, I have also enjoyed various different settings to do some praise related things.

Earlier on in October, had a blast with King's church-Catford/London at their evening meeting. Great multi-cultural environment. I wasn't sure about doing my song "Jalali Yesu" that evening, but randomly asked if anyone there spoke "Urdu". Low and behold we had a taker !!! I probably would have sung it regardless, but how's that. A Pakistani present. London is amazingly cosmopolitan. Speaking of which, I have just got back from doing an evening on multi-cultural Praise with the muso's from Catford. Great discussions, questions. The evening reminded me that demonstrating God's glory through diversity doesn't come easily. We need to grapple, fight, persevere to demonstrate our oneness not sameness. Everything in us calls for selfishness, but Jesus calls for preferring others. Even though I say so myself, I like reflecting on my song, "Simunye- we are one"(album:"Free indeed") at times to soak the theology of this into me. Much of how we do Praise comes out of preference, let's make sure the preference is for others first.

Also did an evening on song-writing at King's-Norwich. I look forward to a bit more time on some practical and seeing what can be produced. Congregational song-writing is a real art-form. Much more challenging than churning out any old love song!

Also had a fantastic night at the Africa night in Great Yarmouth -King's church (seems like a theme - King's church : Norwich, Catford, Gt. Yarmouth !)
Good to see the Buriah's there and so many various African's. Felt like I was back home in Africa. The nations have come to England.

Then it was Together at the east of England conference. I also had the privelege of leading three sessions there and one at Newday east youth meeting.I think it may have been a bit of a culture shock for some who don't know me. Was a great week-end. Loved leading at the Newday-East event ..."everybody in the church was dancing" - I do enjoy doing that song ...particularly when "everbody" participates. More of those please Lord.

Last Sunday, went to Peterborough -Life church. Good times! Even had someone testifying to me that he had been wearing a tie for 2 years and this Sunday was the first time he'd "had" to take it off. Free, free !!

So that and some song-writing has been a good month.

Tracy an I head home to SA for a month to sort out visas and a attend a family wedding. Hoping to be back for a white, cold Christmas in Norwich!
Will grab some time to continue my previous blog on grace praise!!!... Here's to hoping


At 3 November 2010 at 04:57 , Blogger Matt Blick said...

Looking forward to hearing the new songs.

(And a quote about ties -

I have nothing to say of my working life, only that a tie is a noose, and inverted though it is, it will hang a man nonetheless if he's not careful - The Life Of Pi

(I know the guy needs to do a theology of work seminar, but I'm with him on the ties - Free Indeed!

At 24 April 2011 at 06:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Much of how we do Praise comes out of preference, let's make sure the preference is for others first."

That's really well put Evan! And I think quite poignant for our culture in which people often choose churches based on what style of praise they "prefer".

Some might rightly prioritize instead what God "prefers".
However in evaluating songs not many would "prefer" songs that others in their congregation connect with over those they themselves connect with.


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